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 we value your custom and your privacy so will never allow anyone else to have access to your email address- and should you want to unsubscribe at any time just click on the link and your email details will be promptly and couteously removed from our list and you will not recieve another email from us- guaranteed

I would like to apologise to the customers who have signed up using our old system- unfortunately it did not always work- so i was unable to sign some people up-this one is much better so we should not have that problem now- if you do have a problem signing up please let me know

    Welcome to Due North Falconry Supplies- check out our new lures, leather vests, leather bags, ultimate gloves and kids hawking vests- get them now for the season We supply the General Public and the Trade including Professional Falconers: BOP Centres, Zoos and Wildlife Centres...over 3000 falconry gloves sold since 1/12/05........ Over 9000 of "The best Falconry Swivels Ever? sold in the same period....next working day delivery available on most UK orders high quality kit at no nonsense prices ........ Never knowingly undersold.... Contact us for all your Falconry Needs.... Our kit is in use in England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, Eire, USA, Canada, Spain, France ...... Netherlands, Sweden, Poland, Germany, Portugal...Hawaii..Mexico... 
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