If you have any feedback on how we can make our new website better please do contact us. We would like to hear from you. 


About us

We have been doing this now for about a million years(it seems)

It all started with a thought a decade or so ago-why is falconry kit so expensive, usually quite poor quality & why are  'off the shelf' gloves only available in one size !-of course all of that has changed today & I hope that we had something to do with that!

The first design was a sampo type swivel-that is still a best seller today-then gloves etc etc-and the rest is history

I had an interesting email once from a potential customer asking if i really exist (!)-  not really surprising in these days of 'drop shipping' , reselling & franchising-I replied & said that I thought at the time that I probably did  exist- 

but since then my kids have walked past me quite a few times without speaking and looked straight through me- so now I'm beginning wonder!- so thanks for pointing that out to me

If anyone else is wondering if I'm real ( or maybe just a drop shipping, falconry kit dispensing robot) or would like to contact me please give me a call- 

the best number to get me on is my mobile 07840 954769. I don't have a shop- but if you would like to come and view the kit give me a call- no problem-

I can usually be contacted most days at my training business on 01207 693 828 or leave a message and i'll get back to you as soon as I can 

( please note that the training staff cannot take orders or answer queries on falconry kit but if you want to know about First aid, health and safety or food safety they'll sort you out no problem!)

I look forward to seeing you and hearing from you



    Welcome to Due North Falconry Supplies- check out our new lures, leather vests, leather bags, ultimate gloves and kids hawking vests- get them now for the season We supply the General Public and the Trade including Professional Falconers: BOP Centres, Zoos and Wildlife Centres...over 3000 falconry gloves sold since 1/12/05........ Over 9000 of "The best Falconry Swivels Ever? sold in the same period....next working day delivery available on most UK orders high quality kit at no nonsense prices ........ Never knowingly undersold.... Contact us for all your Falconry Needs.... Our kit is in use in England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, Eire, USA, Canada, Spain, France ...... Netherlands, Sweden, Poland, Germany, Portugal...Hawaii..Mexico... 
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